

Slightly repeating myself in telling you that I am studying in Sastamala and my apartment is in Turku, almost a two hour car ride away. So I am living in the dormitory during weekdays.

Expectation of my room as an adult.

This is my room. Well my side of the room.

What my room actually looks like...

Above are my "pets".

Until next time!


IT class again

I made some things on Rhino again.

Still trying to learn how to use the program so I can't really make my own designs on this program but I'm trying to figure it out.

Also I can't afford the program on my own computer right now so my only chance is IT-class and I'm just trying to keep up with the teacher right now.


Halloween time

 I’m working on what seems like a hundred projects right now so I'll update later.

Only pic's for  now


The flat stone ring

So we had to make a ring with an embedded stone on it. This was not the kind of ring I would make if I had my way but it did turn out pretty nice anyway. 

 Since we still haven’t got around to Gemology I am happy to tell you that I know what this stone is called. It is Lapis Lazuli and the reason me and many other teenage emos know this stone is that it was explained to be a so called vampire stone in a famous book series which has since been made into a famous TV-series. The vampire stone lapis lazuli was a gem that would give its user the ability to walk in sunlight. Now after this very useful grain of information I have some pretty pictures for you to look at. 

So the idea was to make a flat ring with a stone on it in the shape we wanted to, leaving a millimeter on both sides of the stone untouched. I'm still behind on the assignments so I did a simple version.

My friend told me it looks like the bus "stopper" button. Should probably give it to her for a christmas.


Let's get this started


I've only been updateing about IT-class until now so let's get this thing started for real.

 In case you're really seriously reading this then welcome to my blog. I am a previously confused 26-year-old who finally found something I'm actually good at and enjoy doing. 


This blog will be an obligatory part of the enjoyment so I will be posting regularly but if there are only posts about 3D you will know I am trying my best to evade posting anything for one or other reason.

So what is this enjoyable new finding as if it wouldn't be apparent by the pictures posted below. 




I'm going to be a goldsmith when I grow up. Well grow up older than I already am. Well at least in case everything goes as planned. 

I happily started my first schoolyear with a weeklong trip to Spain where I caught the Spanish flu or maybe just A Spanish flu which means I am behind on most assignments and thus also on my blog. 

Keep in mind this blog is an obligatory part of my classes which means I wasn’t prepared to do this and the presentable photos are yet to be taken.

 Now here are the first three assignments I got after getting back.

The first assignment was to make a square pendant with a design containing our initials and the boarders kept intact. Broke 13 sawblades making this thing and was sadly not allowed to finish since I've fallen so much behind. There have also been discussions about this looking like Citroens logo upside down or the Assassins Creed logo and even about it resembling the Batman symbol. Multisymbolic logo.

Second assignment was to make a pendant with a predesigned shape and with a stone set in the middle. Only snapped three sawblades during this one. Still has a bit of black settingputty (don't know if that is even close to the English term for it) on it.

Third assignment was a basic flat silver ring. No sawblades where hurt during the making of this ring.


Here are some pics of me making some chrome and crystal balls on a 4D program. The picture below is of the finished product. I will probably not be using this program since it is not really necessary and is quite complicated. Might not be worth it. Also costs a pretty penny. Would be cool though since the finished product looks really good.

Made some shiny stuff on CINEMA 4D.



Army of candlesticks for your enjoyment.

3D class again

Since our IT-teacher is the one who checks our blog I will be posting a lot of 3D and some 4D assignments here so brace yourselves.

We did it again. Welcome to 3D class using SketchUp this time instead of Rhinoceros and this is the awsome thingy we all made together.


3D and the beginning


A little bit about the writer. I am a 26-year-old student from Turku who suddenly felt the need to start studying to be a goldsmith in Sastamala. 


I am already a fashion designer and have worked in a few movies, theater, dance projects and the opening ceremony for Turku Capital of Culture in 2011. While in fashionschool I used to work as a pizza driver to pay my bills, so I'm not that cool in the end although it started of really fancy.

Turku is the former (read until early 1800’s) capital of Finland. I’d say that people from Turku still consider the city to be a kind of capital since it still feels central to everything at least when looking at culture. So I ,as many others from this beloved city, tend to think of ourselves as a bit more important than we might actually be.

How did I end up here in Sastamala?

When I finished fashion design school I thought my up-and-coming career in film would take off in a big way, but I got disappointed. It’s not that I didn’t have work at all, but the movie business in such a small country is limited so I needed a dayjob to get me started. I thought I’d get a job in a clothing store to pay the bills between movie projects but no such luck. In the end, I had to make a decision. I’d been out of work for about a year with only short gigs keeping me occupied. I had during my earlier studies made jewelry to sell at the school’s annual Christmas market and someone asked me why I didn’t just try to make that a career.

Because I’m not from Sastamala I still live in Turku and just stay weekdays at the school dormitory. I chose to do it this way since I can’t afford an apartment and I would still rather live in Turku since it’s my home and it’s where every one of my friends are. 

I was surprised to find that I actually really do like living at the dormitory although the whole “18girls-4bathrooms-4showers-no-sleeping-because-roommate-snores-scenario”. I love the nutty girl talk in the kitchen at evenings and the grumpy grunts in the morning when you want to go to the bathroom but somebody’s locked themselves in there to do their hair and am even getting used to being dropped in the middle of some kind of teen drama that you need to sort out.

Now here I am, confused and sometimes lost in a small town in southern Finland where there is definitely more forest than civilization.

In defense of Sastamala I have to point out that I am actually enjoying the solitude of a small town. Well the solitude you can expect to get while living with 16 teenage girls and sharing your room with the only other adult on your floor.

The first coolness we made during 3D class with the best teacher ever (who reads this and evaluates me accordingly).